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Version: v1.2


Elasticsearch can be integrated with CrowdSec by using the HTTP plugin. Enable it by following these instructions .

Then replace the url and the format of the plugin's config so that it posts the events to your Elasticsearch instance.

An example configuration:

type: http

name: http_default # this must match with the registered plugin in the profile
log_level: debug # Options include: trace, debug, info, warn, error, off

format: |-
{{ range .}}
{"index": { "_index": "crowdsec"} }
{{ end }}


method: POST
Content-Type: "application/json"


If you have enabled security on your elasticsearch cluster, you will have to add a custom Authorization header to be able to insert the events.

Elasticsearch uses HTTP basic auth, so you can very easily generate the header value by running:

echo -n "LOGIN:PASSWORD" | base64 -w0

Then add it to your configuration:

type: http

name: http_default # this must match with the registered plugin in the profile
log_level: debug # Options include: trace, debug, info, warn, error, off

format: |-
{{ range .}}
{"index": { "_index": "crowdsec"} }
{{ end }}


method: POST
Content-Type: "application/json"
Authorization: "Basic BASE64_GENERATED_PREVIOUSLY"

Self-Signed certificate

If your elasticsearch cluster uses a self-signed certificate, you must set skip_tls_verification to true in your configuration:

type: http

name: http_default # this must match with the registered plugin in the profile
log_level: debug # Options include: trace, debug, info, warn, error, off

format: |-
{{ range .}}
{"index": { "_index": "crowdsec"} }
{{ end }}

skip_tls_verification: true
method: POST
Content-Type: "application/json"

Final Steps:

Let's restart crowdsec

sudo systemctl restart crowdsec

You can verify whether the plugin is properly working by triggering scenarios using tools like wapiti, nikto and then checking whether they reeach Elasticsearch.