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Version: v1.2.2

Writing Plugin in Go

In this guide we will implement a plugin in Go, which dispatches an email with specificied body on receiving alerts.

Before we begin, make sure you read intro

Let's start by creating a new go project in a fresh directory:

mkdir notification-email
cd notification-email
go mod init notification-email
touch main.go

We will write all the plugin related code in the main.go file. The plugin is responsible for

  1. Receiving and interpreting the configuration received from CrowdSec's main process.
  2. Receiving alerts messages from CrowdSec and dispatching them to email etc.

All the communication between CrowdSec's main process and the plugin happens via gRPC. Luckily the package has everything to do that.

Let's start with defining the third party dependencies and adding some utilities. In your main.go we add:

package main
import (

plugin ""
mail ""

var logger hclog.Logger = hclog.New(&hclog.LoggerOptions{
Name: "email-plugin",
Level: hclog.LevelFromString("DEBUG"),
Output: os.Stderr,
JSONFormat: true,

Note that the logs should be structured in order for the main process to interpret it.

For our plugin to function, we need to know several credentials to send an email. Let's define a struct which expresses this.

type PluginConfig struct {
Name string `yaml:"name"`
LogLevel *string `yaml:"log_level"`

SMTPHost string `yaml:"smtp_host"`
SMTPPort int `yaml:"smtp_port"`
SMTPUsername string `yaml:"smtp_username"`
SMTPPassword string `yaml:"smtp_password"`
SenderEmail string `yaml:"sender_email"`
ReceiverEmail string `yaml:"receiver_email"`

The struct will be unmarshal target of a yaml configuration file, hence the yaml hints.

Next we need to implement the plugin interface Notifier.

type Notifier interface {
Configure(ctx context.Context, config *protobufs.Config) (*protobufs.Empty, error)
Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *protobufs.Notification) (*protobufs.Empty, error)

Here the Configure method receives config which is essentially contents of a yaml config file. The plugin would use this method to capture and store the received config.

The Notify method receives notification which has two attributes Text: List of Alert objects formatted into specified format Name: Name of configuration for which this notification is sent to.

Let's define another struct which implements this interface and stores the config.

type EmailPlugin struct {
ConfigByName map[string]PluginConfig

We map the config by it's name because then it would be easy to adapt to configuration specified by the notification.

Finally let's implement the Configure method.

func (n *EmailPlugin) Configure(ctx context.Context, config *protobufs.Config) (*protobufs.Empty, error) {
d := PluginConfig{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(config.Config, &d); err != nil {
return nil, err
n.ConfigByName[d.Name] = d
return &protobufs.Empty{}, nil

It simply unmarshals the raw config into PluginConfig struct and stores it into the map for future use.

Let's implement the Notify method.

func (n *EmailPlugin) Notify(ctx context.Context, notification *protobufs.Notification) (*protobufs.Empty, error) {
if _, ok := n.ConfigByName[notification.Name]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid plugin config name %s", notification.Name)
cfg := n.ConfigByName[notification.Name]
if cfg.LogLevel != nil && *cfg.LogLevel != "" {
} else {

server := mail.NewSMTPClient()
server.Host = cfg.SMTPHost
server.Port = cfg.SMTPPort
server.Username = cfg.SMTPUsername
server.Password = cfg.SMTPPassword
server.Encryption = mail.EncryptionSTARTTLS

smtpClient, err := server.Connect()
if err != nil {
return nil, err

email := mail.NewMSG()
email.SetFrom(fmt.Sprintf("From <%s>", cfg.SenderEmail)).
SetSubject("CrowdSec Notification")
email.SetBody(mail.TextHTML, notification.Text)

err = email.Send(smtpClient)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("sent email to %s according to %s configuration", cfg.ReceiverEmail, notification.Name))
return nil, nil

There are lot of things going on. Let's unpack:

  1. In the first block we verify whether the notification's configuration is present.
  2. Then we set the log level according to the configuration.
  3. In the second block we initiate a SMTP client using the notification's configuration.
  4. In the third block we send the email with body equal to the notification.Text.

Finally let's define the entrypoint main function which serves and hoists the plugin for CrowdSec main process.

func main() {
var handshake = plugin.HandshakeConfig{
ProtocolVersion: 1,
MagicCookieValue: os.Getenv("CROWDSEC_PLUGIN_KEY"),

HandshakeConfig: handshake,
Plugins: map[string]plugin.Plugin{
"email": &protobufs.NotifierPlugin{
Impl: &EmailPlugin{ConfigByName: make(map[string]PluginConfig)},
GRPCServer: plugin.DefaultGRPCServer,
Logger: logger,

The CROWDSEC_PLUGIN_KEY environment variable is provided by the main process when calling the plugin. It is used to make sure that the right plugin is dispatched.

The plugin.Serve is a method provided by go-plugin dependency we earlier defined. It creates a GRPC server which exposes the plugin interface.

Now let's build the plugin and paste it /var/lib/crowdsec/plugins/ so CrowdSec can discover it.

go build
sudo cp notification-email /var/lib/crowdsec/plugins/

Next we need to write a configuration file for the plugin. Here's an example:

# Don't change this
type: email

name: email_default # this must match with the registered plugin in the profile
log_level: info # Options include: trace, debug, info, warn, error, off

format: | # This template receives list of models.Alert objects
CrowdSec detected an attack.

smtp_username: abcd
smtp_password: xyz
smtp_port: 587

# group_wait: # duration to wait collecting alerts before sending to this plugin, eg "30s"

# group_threshold: # if alerts exceed this, then the plugin will be sent the message. eg "10"

# max_retry: # number of tries to attempt to send message to plugins in case of error.

# timeout: # duration to wait for response from plugin before considering this attempt a failure. eg "10s"

Replace the values as necessary and paste it in /etc/crowdsec/notifications/email.yaml .

Now the final step, register the plugin in your crowdsec profile at /etc/crowdsec/profiles.yaml, by adding the following to desired config.

- email_default

Example profile:

name: default_ip_remediation
#debug: true
- 1==1
- type: ban
duration: 4h
- email_default
on_success: break

Do the sudo systemctl restart crowdsec and we're done. You can try triggering alerts by creating manual decisions and verify whether you recive an email.