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Version: v1.1

Custom Bouncer


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Crowdsec bouncer written in golang for custom scripts.

crowdsec-custom-bouncer will periodically fetch new and expired/removed decisions from CrowdSec Local API and will pass them as arguments to a custom user script.

Installation from packages

Setup crowdsec repositories.

sudo apt install crowdsec-custom-bouncer

Manual install (via script)

First, download the latest crowdsec-custom-bouncer release.

$ tar xzvf crowdsec-custom-bouncer.tgz
$ sudo ./

From source

Run the following commands:

git clone
cd crowdsec-custom-bouncer/
make release
tar xzvf crowdsec-custom-bouncer.tgz
cd crowdsec-custom-bouncer-v*/
sudo ./


Before starting the crowdsec-custom-bouncer service, please edit the configuration to add your API url and key. The default configuration file is located under : /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/

$ vim /etc/crowdsec/bouncers/crowdsec-custom-bouncer.yaml
bin_path: <absolute_path_to_binary>
piddir: /var/run/
update_frequency: 10s
daemonize: true
log_mode: file
log_dir: /var/log/
log_level: info
api_url: <API_URL> # when install, default is "localhost:8080"
api_key: <API_KEY> # Add your API key generated with `cscli bouncers add --name <bouncer_name>`
cache_retention_duration: 10s

cache_retention_duration : The bouncer keeps track of all custom script invocations from the last cache_retention_duration interval. If a decision is identical to some decision already present in the cache, then the custom script is not invoked. The keys for hashing a decision is it's Type (eg ban, captcha etc) and Value (eg, CH etc).

You can then start the service:

sudo systemctl start crowdsec-custom-bouncer

Upgrade (for manual install only)

If you already have crowdsec-custom-bouncer installed, please download the latest release and run the following commands to upgrade it:

tar xzvf crowdsec-custom-bouncer.tgz
cd crowdsec-custom-bouncer-v*/
sudo ./


The custom binary will be called with the following arguments :

<my_custom_binary> add <ip> <duration> <reason> <json_object> # to add an IP address
<my_custom_binary> del <ip> <duration> <reason> <json_object> # to del an IP address
  • ip : ip address to block <ip>/<cidr>
  • duration: duration of the remediation in seconds
  • reason : reason of the decision
  • json_object: the serialized decision

⚠️ don't forget to add execution permissions to your binary/script

Examples: add 3600 "test blacklist" del 3600 "test blacklist"