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Version: v1.5.0

Local API

The Local API (LAPI) is a core component of CrowdSec and has a few essential missions :

  • Allow CrowdSec machines to push alerts & decisions to a database
  • Allow bouncers to consume said alerts & decisions from database
  • Allow cscli to view add or delete decisions

You can find the swagger documentation here.


There are two kinds of authentication to the Local API :

  • Bouncers: they authenticate with an API key and can only read decisions

  • Machines: they authenticate with a login and password and can not only read decisions, but create new ones too

  • TLS client certificates: it allows you to connect new bouncers or agents to the local API without registring them first


To register a bouncer to your API, you need to run the following command on the server where the API is installed:

sudo cscli bouncers add testBouncer

and keep the generated API token to use it in your bouncers configuration file.

See here for the documentation about TLS authentication.


To allow a machine to communicate with the Local API, the machine needs to be validated by an administrator of the Local API.

There are two ways to register a CrowdSec to a Local API.

  • You can create a machine directly on the API server that will be automatically validated by running the following command on the server where the API is installed:
sudo cscli machines add testMachine

If your CrowdSec agent runs on the same server as the Local API, then the credentials file (including the API URL) will be generated automatically, otherwise you will have to copy/paste them in /etc/crowdsec/local_api_credentials.yaml on the agent machine.

  • You can use cscli to register to the API server:
sudo cscli lapi register -u <api_url>

And validate it with cscli on the server where the API is installed:

sudo cscli machines validate <machineName>

You can use cscli machines list to list all the machines registered to the API and view the ones that are not validated yet.

See here for the documentation about TLS authentication.



By default, crowdsec and cscli use as the default Local API. However you might want to use a remote API and configure a different endpoint for your API client.

Register to a remote API server

  • On the remote CrowdSec server, run:
sudo cscli lapi register -u http://<remote_api>:<port>
  • On the Local API server, validate the machine by running the command:
sudo cscli machines list # to get the name of the new registered machine
sudo cscli machines validate <machineName>


Configure listen URL

If you would like your Local API to be used by a remote CrowdSec you will need to modify the URL it listens on. Modify the listen_uri option in the main configuration file. Then see how to configure your crowdsec to use a remote API.

Enable SSL

The most common use case of the Local API is to listen on In that case there's no need for configuring any SSL layer. In some cases, the Local API will listen for other CrowdSec installations that will report their triggered scenarios. In that case the endpoint may be configured with SSL. You can see how to configure SSL on your Local API here.

See the Local API public documentation.