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Scenario configuration example

A way to detect a http scanner might be to track the number of distinct non-existing pages it's requesting. The scenario might look like this:

type: leaky
name: crowdsecurity/http-scan-uniques_404
description: "Detect multiple unique 404 from a single ip"
filter: "evt.Meta.service == 'http' && evt.Meta.http_status in ['404', '403', '400']"
groupby: "evt.Meta.source_ip"
distinct: "evt.Meta.http_path"
capacity: 5
leakspeed: "10s"
blackhole: 5m
service: http
type: scan
remediation: true

Scenario directives


type: leaky|trigger|counter|conditional|bayesian

Defines the type of the bucket. Currently five types are supported :

  • leaky : a leaky bucket that must be configured with a capacity and a leakspeed
  • trigger : a bucket that overflows as soon as an event is poured (it is like a leaky bucket is a capacity of 0)
  • counter : a bucket that only overflows every duration. It is especially useful to count things.
  • conditional: a bucket that overflows when the expression given in condition returns true. Useful if you want to look back at previous events that were poured to the bucket (to detect impossible travel or more behavioral patterns for example). If the capacity is not set to -1, it can overflow like a standard leaky bucket.
  • bayesian : a bucket that runs bayesian inference internally. The overflow will trigger when the posterior probability reaches the threshold. This is useful for instance if the behaivor is a combination of events which alone wouldn't be worthy of suspicious.



The bucket will leak one item every 10 seconds, and can hold up to 5 items before overflowing.

type: leaky
leakspeed: "10s"
capacity: 5


  • The bucket is created at t+0s
  • E0 is poured at t+2s, bucket is at 1/5 capacity
  • E1 is poured at t+4s, bucket is at 2/5 capacity
  • At t+10s the bucket leaks one item, is now at 1/5 capacity
  • E2 is poured at t+11s, bucket is at 2/5 capacity
  • E3 and E4 are poured around t+16s, bucket is at 4/5 capacity
  • At t+20s the bucket leaks one item, is now at 3/5 capacity
  • E5 and E6 are poured at t+23s, bucket is at 5/5 capacity
  • when E7 is poured at t+24s, the bucket is at 6/5 capacity and overflows


The bucket will instantly overflow whenever an ip lands on a 404.

type: trigger
filter: "evt.Meta.service == 'http' && evt.Meta.http_status == '404'"
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip


The bucket will overflow 20s after the first event is poured.

type: counter
filter: "evt.Meta.service == 'http' && evt.Meta.http_status == '404'"
duration: 20s


  • The bucket is created at t+0s
  • E0 is poured at t+0s, count is at 1
  • E1 is poured at t+4s, count is at 2
  • E2 is poured at t+8s, count is at 3
  • E3 is poured at t+12s, count is at 4
  • E4 is poured at t+14s, count is at 5
  • At t+20s the bucket overflows with a count of 5


This bucket will overflow when the condition is true. In this example it will overflow if a user sucessfully authenticates after failing 5 times previously. For a more in depth look, check out our blogpost on the topic.

type: conditional
filter: "evt.Meta.service == 'ssh'"
condition: |
count(queue.Queue, #.Meta.log_type == 'ssh_failed-auth') > 5 and count(queue.Queue, #.Meta.log_type == 'ssh_success-auth') > 0


  • The bucket is created at t+0s
  • E0 is poured at t+0s
  • E1 is poured at t+4s
  • E2 is poured at t+6s
  • E3 is poured at t+12s
  • E4 is poured at t+14s, count(queue.Queue, #.Meta.log_type == 'ssh_failed-auth') > 5 now evaluates true
  • E5 is poured at t+18s
  • when E6 is poured at t+24s, count(queue.Queue, #.Meta.log_type == 'ssh_success-auth') > 0 also evaluates true and the bucket overflows


The bayesian bucket is based on the concept of bayesian inference. The bucket overflows if the bayesian posterior is bigger than the threshold. To calculate the posterior, the bucket will run bayesian updates for all the conditions defined in the scenario.
The bucket starts with a predefined prior P(Evil). Whenever an event is poured the bucket will iteratively calculate P(Evil|State(Condition_i)) for all defined conditions. The resulting posterior value for P(Evil) is then compared against the threshold. If the threshold is exceeded the bucket overflows. If the threshold is not exceeded, the bucket is reset by setting P(Evil) back to the prior.
In case the condition is costly to evaluate, the guillotine can be set. This will stop the condition from being evaluated after the first time it evaluates to true. The bayesian update will assume that the condition is true for every iteration after that.

type: bayesian
filter: "evt.Meta.log_type == 'http_access-log' || evt.Meta.log_type == 'ssh_access-log'"
bayesian_prior: 0.5
bayesian_threshold: 0.8
- condition: any(queue.Queue, {.Meta.http_path == "/"})
prob_given_evil: 0.8
prob_given_benign: 0.2
- condition: evt.Meta.ssh_user == "admin"
prob_given_evil: 0.9
prob_given_benign: 0.5
guillotine : true
leakspeed: 30s
capacity: -1

Guidelines on setting the bayesian parameters can be found below


name: github_account_name/my_scenario_name


name: my_author_name/my_scenario_name

The name is mandatory.

It must be unique. This will define the scenario's name in the hub.


description: A scenario that detect XXXX behavior

The description is mandatory.

It is a short description, probably one sentence, describing what it detects.


- A reference to third party documents.

The references is optional.

A reference to third party documents. This is a list of string.


filter: expression

filter must be a valid expr expression that will be evaluated against the event.

If filter evaluation returns true or is absent, event will be pour in the bucket.

If filter returns false or a non-boolean, the event will be skipped for this bucket.

Here is the expr documentation.

Examples :

  • evt.Meta.log_type == 'telnet_new_session'
  • evt.Meta.log_type in ['http_access-log', 'http_error-log'] && evt.Parsed.static_ressource == 'false'
  • evt.Meta.log_type == 'ssh_failed-auth'


duration: 45s
duration: 10m

Only applies to counter buckets.

A duration after which the bucket will overflow. The format must be compatible with golang ParseDuration format

Examples :

type: counter
name: crowdsecurity/ban-reports-ssh_bf_report
description: "Count unique ips performing ssh bruteforce"
filter: "evt.Overflow.Scenario == 'ssh_bruteforce'"
distinct: "evt.Overflow.Source_ip"
capacity: -1
duration: 10m
service: ssh


groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip

An expression that must return a string. This string will be used as a partition for the buckets.


Here, each source_ip will get its own bucket.

type: leaky
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip

Here, each unique combo of source_ip + target_username will get its own bucket.

type: leaky
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip + '--' + evt.Parsed.target_username


distinct: evt.Meta.http_path

An expression that must return a string. The event will be poured only if the string is not already present in the bucket.


This will ensure that events that keep triggering the same .Meta.http_path will be poured only once.

type: leaky
distinct: "evt.Meta.http_path"

Assuming we received the 3 following events :

  • evt.Meta.http_path = /
  • evt.Meta.http_path = /test
  • evt.Meta.http_path = /

Only the first 2 events will be poured to the bucket.

The 3rd one will not be poured as the bucket already contains an event with evt.Meta.http_path == /


capacity: 5

Only applies to leaky buckets.

A positive integer representing the bucket capacity. If there are more than capacity item in the bucket, it will overflow. Should be set to -1 in most situations for conditional buckets.


leakspeed: "10s"

Only applies to leaky buckets.

A duration that represent how often an event will be leaking from the bucket.

Must be compatible with golang ParseDuration format.


condition: |
len(queue.Queue) >= 2
and Distance(queue.Queue[-1].Enriched.Latitude, queue.Queue[-1].Enriched.Longitude,
queue.Queue[-2].Enriched.Latitude, queue.Queue[-2].Enriched.Longitude) > 100

Only applies to conditional buckets.

Make the bucket overflow when it returns true. The expression is evaluated each time an event is poured to the bucket.


bayesian_prior: 0.03

Only applies to bayesian buckets.

This is the initial probability that a given IP falls under the behavior you want to catch. A good first estimate for this parameter is #evil_ips/#total_ips, where evil are all the IPs you want to catch with this scenario.


bayesian_threshold: 0.5

Only applies to bayesian buckets.

This defines the threshold you want the posterior to exceed to trigger the bucket. This parameter can be finetuned according to individual preference. A higher threshold will decrease the number of false positives at the cost of missing some true positives while decreasing the threshold will catch more true positives at the cost of more false positives. If the term precision vs recall tradeoff is familiar to the reader, this is an application of this principle.


- condition: any(queue.Queue, {.Meta.http_path == "/"})
prob_given_evil: 0.8
prob_given_benign: 0.2
- condition: evt.Meta.ssh_user == "admin"
prob_given_evil: 0.9
prob_given_benign: 0.5
guillotine : true

Only applies to bayesian buckets.

Bayesian conditions are the heart of the bayesian bucket. Every condition represents an event we want to do a bayesian update for. Every time the inference is ran we evaluate the condition. The two parameters prob_given_evil and prob_given_benign are called likelihoods and are used during the update. They represent the two conditional probabilities P(condition == true | IP is evil) and P(condition == true | IP is benign) respectively.

A good estimate for the likelihoods is to look at all events in your logs and use the ratios #evil_ips_satisfying_condition/#evil_ips resp. #benign_ips_satisfying_condition/#benign_ips. If the results of the scenario are imprecise one should either add more conditions or play around with the threshold. It is not recommended to individually adjust the likelihoods as this leads to overfitting.

If the evalutaion of the condition is particularly expensive, one can add a guillotine. This will prevent the condition from being evaluated after the first time it evaluates to true. The bayesian updates will from then on out only consider the case condition == true.

Note: prob_given_evil and prob_given_benign do not have to sum up to 1 as they describe different events.


service: ssh
type: bruteforce
remediation: true

Labels is a list of label: values that provide context to an overflow. The labels are (currently) not stored in the database, nor they are sent to the API.

Special labels :
  • The remediation label, if set to true indicate the the originating IP should be banned.


The IP address that triggered the overflow (.Meta.source_ip) will be banned.

type: leaky
service: ssh
type: bruteforce
remediation: true


blackhole: 10m

A duration for which a bucket will be "silenced" after overflowing. This is intended to limit / avoid spam of buckets that might be very rapidly triggered.

The blackhole only applies to the individual bucket rather than the whole scenario.

Must be compatible with golang ParseDuration format.


The same source_ip won't be able to trigger this overflow more than once every 10 minutes. The potential overflows in the meanwhile will be discarded (but will still appear in logs as being blackholed).

type: trigger
blackhole: 10m
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip


debug: true|false

default: false

If set to to true, enabled scenario level debugging. It is meant to help understanding scenario behavior by providing contextual logging :

debug of filters and expression results
DEBU[31-07-2020 16:34:58] eval(evt.Meta.log_type in ["http_access-log", "http_error-log"] && any(File("bad_user_agents.txt"), {evt.Parsed.http_user_agent contains #})) = TRUE  cfg=still-feather file=config/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml name=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent
DEBU[31-07-2020 16:34:58] eval variables: cfg=still-feather file=config/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml name=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent
DEBU[31-07-2020 16:34:58] evt.Meta.log_type = 'http_access-log' cfg=still-feather file=config/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml name=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent
DEBU[31-07-2020 16:34:58] evt.Parsed.http_user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.00 (Nikto/2.1.5) (Evasions:None) (Test:002810)' cfg=still-feather file=config/scenarios/http-bad-user-agent.yaml name=crowdsecurity/http-bad-user-agent


reprocess: true|false

default: false

If set to true, the resulting overflow will be sent again in the scenario/parsing pipeline. It is useful when you want to have further scenarios that will rely on past-overflows to take decisions.


cache_size: 5

By default, a bucket holds capacity events "in memory". However, for a number of cases, you don't want this, as it might lead to excessive memory consumption.

By setting cache_size to a positive integer, we can control the maximum in-memory cache size of the bucket, without changing its capacity and such. It is useful when buckets are likely to stay alive for a long time or ingest a lot of events to avoid storing a lot of events in memory.


overflow_filter: any(queue.Queue, { .Enriched.IsInEU  == "true" })

overflow_filter is an expression that is run when the bucket overflows. If this expression is present and returns false, the overflow will be discarded.


cancel_on: evt.Parsed.something == 'somevalue'

cancel_on is an expression that runs on each event poured to the bucket. If the cancel_on expression returns true, the bucket is immediately destroyed (and doesn't overflow).


- source_url: https://URL/TO/FILE
[type: (regexp|string)]

data allows to specify an external source of data.

This section is only relevant when cscli is used to install scenario from hub, as it will download the source_url and store it to dest_file.

When the scenario is not installed from the hub, CrowdSec won't download the URL, but the file must exist for the scenario to be loaded correctly.

The type is mandatory if you want to evaluate the data in the file, and should be regex for valid (re2) regular expression per line or string for string per line.

The regexps will be compiled, the strings will be loaded into a list and both will be kept in memory. Without specifying a type, the file will be downloaded and stored as file and not in memory.

You can refer to the content of the downloaded file(s) by using either the File() or RegexpInFile() function in an expression:

filter: 'evt.Meta.log_type in ["http_access-log", "http_error-log"] and any(File("backdoors.txt"), { evt.Parsed.request contains #})'


name: crowdsecurity/cdn-whitelist
- source_url:
dest_file: cloudflare_ips.txt
type: string

Caching feature

Since 1.5, it is possible to configure additional cache for RegexpInFile() :

  • input data (hashed with xxhash)
  • associated result (true or false)

Cache behavior can be configured:

  • strategy: LRU, LFU or ARC
  • size: maximum size of cache
  • ttl: expiration of elements
  • cache: boolean (true by default if one of the fields is set)

This is typically useful for scenarios that needs to check on a lot of regexps.

Example configuration:

type: leaky
- source_url:
dest_file: bad_user_agents.regex.txt
type: regexp
strategy: LRU
size: 40
ttl: 5s


format: 2.0

CrowdSec has a notion of format support for parsers and scenarios for compatibility management. Running cscli version will show you such compatibility matrix :

sudo cscli version
2020/11/05 09:35:05 version: v0.3.6-183e34c966c475e0d2cdb3c60d0b7426499aa573
2020/11/05 09:35:05 Codename: beta
2020/11/05 09:35:05 BuildDate: 2020-11-04_17:56:46
2020/11/05 09:35:05 GoVersion: 1.13
2020/11/05 09:35:05 Constraint_parser: >= 1.0, < 2.0
2020/11/05 09:35:05 Constraint_scenario: >= 1.0, < 3.0
2020/11/05 09:35:05 Constraint_api: v1
2020/11/05 09:35:05 Constraint_acquis: >= 1.0, < 2.0


type: Range
expression: evt.Parsed.mySourceRange

While most scenarios might focus on IP addresses, CrowdSec and Bouncers can work with any scope. The scope directive allows you to override the default scope :

  • type is a string representing the scope name
  • expression is an expr expression that will be evaluated to fetch the value

let's imagine a scenario such as :

# ssh bruteforce
type: leaky
name: crowdsecurity/ssh-enforce-mfa
description: "Enforce mfa on users that have been bruteforced"
filter: "evt.Meta.log_type == 'ssh_failed-auth'"
leakspeed: "10s"
capacity: 5
groupby: evt.Meta.source_ip
blackhole: 1m
service: ssh
type: bruteforce
remediation: true
type: username
expression: evt.Meta.target_user

and a profile such as :

name: enforce_mfa
- 'Alert.Remediation == true && Alert.GetScope() == "username"'
- type: enforce_mfa
scope: "username"
duration: 1h
on_success: continue

the resulting overflow will be :

$ ./cscli -c dev.yaml decisions list
| 2 | crowdsec | username:rura | crowdsecurity/ssh-enforce-mfa | enforce_mfa | | | 6 | 59m46.121840343s |