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cscli notifications reinject

cscli notifications reinject

reinject alert into notifications system


Reinject alert into notifications system

cscli notifications reinject [flags]


cscli notifications reinject <alert_id>
cscli notifications reinject <alert_id> --remediation
cscli notifications reinject <alert_id> -a '{"remediation": true,"scenario":"notification/test"}'


  -a, --alert string   JSON string used to override alert fields in the reinjected alert (see crowdsec/pkg/models/alert.go in the source tree for the full definition of the object)
-h, --help help for reinject
-r, --remediation Set Alert.Remediation to false in the reinjected alert (see your profile filter configuration)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color string    Output color: yes, no, auto. (default "auto")
-c, --config string path to crowdsec config file (default "/etc/crowdsec/config.yaml")
--debug Set logging to debug.
--error Set logging to error.
--info Set logging to info.
-o, --output string Output format: human, json, raw.
--trace Set logging to trace.
--warning Set logging to warning.